Last night was the annual Light up Lakewood event. They close Detroit Rd. around Lakewood Hospital, do some caroling and light up the trees around the hospital. Last year they had a drum line, the shops stayed open later, and Santa road down the street in a make shift rocket. We were late this year so I don't know if it just wasn't as big as it was last year or if the cold and snow kept people away, but it wasn't nearly as exciting as last year. We saw the lights, walked a couple blocks and went home. It was FREEZING! On the way back, Ben did get a really cool balloon hat from a clown that he has had a lot of fun with.

When we got home, Ben surprised us by singing "Jingle Bells." We didn't know he knew the song!Today he continued to amaze us with more songs (and dancing?!?!). Ben wants to listen to, "Bob the tomato on the radio" (Veggie Tales) every time we get into the car. I guess the words are starting to sink in.