It was too nice outside yesterday to be inside at a play room, so Ben and I walked to the park. He loves the swings and the slide. If he could spend all day there, he would. After he wore me out we left the play area and hung out by the bird house in the field. Ben couldn't keep up with all the birds going in and out. When it was time to go home, Ben was very upset. He's definitely become an outdoors man over the last week and wants to be outside every chance he gets. On our walk home we decided to go to Einsteins for lunch. Ben now has to have his own seat (not a highchair) when we go out. He felt very important sitting on his own eating lunch.

This morning, I put him in his car and walked him up and down our street. When we got tired of that, we headed to my moms office. All he wanted to do was ride the elevator and, of course, grandma let him.
We found a great deal on a swing set so Jon is going to check it out after work. I hope it works out. I cant wait to see the look on Ben's face when we finally have something set up for him. And its big enough that he'll be able to have some friends over to play.