Tuesday is Jons 30th birthday. Last night we had a surprise party at Put-In-Bay Lakewood, a local bar/bowling alley. Corrie played a huge role in the plotting and preparation. Thanks for all your help. It was so hard to keep the secret, but it was so worth it to see the look on Jons face when he walked in to see a big group of family and friends waiting for him. He was truly surprised! We had a lot of good food (especially Corries truffle cupcakes), good bowling (although I think the lanes are slanted) and great conversation. My parents took the boys home half way through the night so Jon could concentrate on his bowling moves, but Ben managed to get in a few rolls before they left. Thanks to my parents for babysitting.I'm so glad we could celebrate the big event with our friends. Its all down hill from here. Sorry baby! Here are some highlights:

Yes, Jon has cupcake in his teeth. Check out all the pics on Flickr. So do several other people--they were that good!