Both kids had a doctors appointment this morning. It was pretty routine for Ben, but we got a small shock on Sam. Here are the stats:
Ben: height: 38.5" (80%) weight: 30.5lbs (51%). We are going to take him to get his eyes checked out. Since he is wearing his sunglasses every chance he gets, I think he has developed a small sensitivity to bright light. While no one thinks its anything serious, we're going with the better be safe than sorry philosophy. I think we'll want to start weaning them once summer starts winding down. Its also time for him to see a dentist. Its actually now recommended that kids see a dentist with in the first 6 months of the first tooth so Sam will be heading in soon too.
Sam: height: 27 3/4" (48%) weight 18.11lbs (25%). If you are keeping track, at his 6 month check up he weighed 18lbs and was in the 75th percentile. While his big drop isn't terrible, it definitely needs to be addressed. The boy with the biggest thighs I've ever seen on a baby, needs to start eating more. He just started eating baby food once a day. That needs to get bumped up to 3 times a day and ice cream is now on the menu per the doctor. Just once I would like a doctor to tell me I had to eat ice cream!
We were expecting both of them to get shots, but got a great surprise--neither one of them were due at this visit. It turned out to be a great morning.
Getting Ready
3 months ago