After having our family Christmas at home on Wednesday, we headed to Jons parents house for 5 days of relaxation. Unfortunately for Gram, mom and dad only get to relax because Ben becomes attached to her hip the whole time we are there! We headed to church for the Christmas Eve service. Ben did great. He loved all the singing and tried to sneak up on stage with a microphone so he could join in.

Sam revisited one of his favorite games with mom and dad, fetch. We give him a toy to keep him quiet, he plays for 5 minutes then throws it on the floor repeatedly until mom or dad get the hint that he doesn't want to play with it anymore. We actually did ok, until his bag of goldfish exploded all over his lap and the floor---sorry Pap. After church, we got into our pj's, put the kids to bed and enjoyed another tradition of watching The Christmas Story while waiting for Pap to come home and read The Night Before Christmas.

The boys modeling their Christmas jammies.
We actually slept until 8:30Christmas morning. As expected, Ben was all about opening every gift whether it was for him or not. He eventually made a nice compromise of letting everyone open their own gift, but he took the bows off for us. Sam opened one or two, but mostly wanted to play with the paper and bows. It was definitely the year of the books. Both boys got several new books and some had a stuffed animal or finger puppet to go with them. Both boys love story time and I think Sam will get a little more into it when we use the puppets.

Ben and Sam got hats from aunt Corrie and Ben got a matching scarf. Not to worry, Sam pulled his hat off as soon as the camera flashed and then giggled!
After presents, the cooking began. One of the best parts of Christmas morning is breakfast. The amount (and variety) of food is ridiculous and wonderful all at the same time. It was delicious! After letting breakfast settle, we headed to my parents house for another Christmas. My step dads extended family was there as well as both my brothers and their wife/girlfriend. It was a nice treat since we all haven't been together like that in a long while. Once again, the boys were spoiled with toys and books and everything in between.

Ben chillin' with uncle Tony
We had some more good food and then headed back to Ravenna for another tradition--White Christmas. I think that (along with Elf) is my favorite Christmas movie. We had a lazy weekend and then headed home Sunday afternoon. We're trying to get back into our normal routine while enjoying our dad time. Jon has to work New Years Eve, Day and the weekend from early morning until it gets done. Just make sure you're home for your kiss on New Years!
Sam wishing he could keep up with his big brother.
The piano was the place to be this week!
Thanks everyone, once again, for spoiling our boys. We had a great time.