He is finally here. After 9months of disbelief, shock, panic, being scared, sick, exhausted, worried etc etc etc, he is here. Jon and I showed up at the hospital at 5:30am on Tuesday (10-18). I caught a cold (typical) so on top of everything else, I couldn't breathe. We got checked in, they did a non-stress test and got my IV going (after failing miserably once and left me looking like a druggie).
The surgery was pretty routine. It took about 1.5hrs from starting the spinal to getting us back to recovery. The only surprise was the barely 8lb baby we were supposed to have turned into an 8lb 12oz big boy! He was born at 8:02am and was 21in long.
He looks just like Sam. Same face, hair color (although Zach has slightly less hair) and expressions. Zach however, has huge feet and the longest toes I've ever seen on a baby. His toes were the first thing Jon commented on.
Overall he is healthy and perfect. We do have two issues we need to keep our eye on. 1. He lost a pound from his midnight weigh in on Tuesday to his 5am weight check this morning. He is eating a bit better than he was so they aren't worried, but we do need to take him back on Monday for a weight check. 2. He has a small issue with the roof of his mouth. The average person has a dome like roof. Zach's almost comes up to a point. The doctor thinks this has caused his top gums to get pushed forward. I don't think you can see it in the pictures, but most of the time his gum sticks out past his top lip. They are guessing this will just need more time to develop on its own. As long as he continues to eat well, we aren't going to worry. At some point we will probably take him to an ENT and/or a pediatric plastic surgeon just to have him checked and see if we might be in for any issues in the future if it doesn't correct itself.
The kids were excited to meet him and learn his name. We stuck with the plan of a Biblical name that can be shortened. He is not named after anyone. We just liked the name. My dad was William so he got his middle name from my side. Ellie has given him the evil eye a couple times, but I think she is slowly warming up to him.

We came home today. The first thing Ellie did was try to take his socks off (she has something against socks). Its a bit crazy right now. I'm slightly worried about how we are going to do this. I'm hoping things will come together once I get rid of some of this surgery soreness. I'm just really thankful I'll have Jon home with me for a while.

We are now a family of 6 and we are complete!