The after photos (minus a few people).

Today was the 35th annual Cleveland marathon, half and 10k. 5 of us have been training since January. We ended our (long) training runs last week with a 10 mile run. It went great. We had a great pace, no major aches and pains after, we had stamina, we could still carry on a conversation...I couldn't have asked for a better run. We tapered last week. We carbo loaded yesterday and today we ran 13.15miles. It SUCKED! The heat was the main problem. We've only had 1 long run in the heat and we just weren't used to the fatigue that comes with running in the heat. While it was only in the 70's, it was miserable for the runners. We were drenched by the end of the first mile. The sun was beating down on us the entire run. While they did a great job with adding some extra water stops and hoses and kids with buckets, it just wasn't enough. Runners were advised to slow down because of the heat. We saw an ambulance get called for a runner and after I crossed the finish line, someone from the medical team came over to check on me. I didn't think I looked that bad!
The other problem were the hills. When we ran this 2 years ago, our only complaint was that the course started going up hill at mile 10.5. They did some tweaking with the course and we started up hill this time. We also went up hill in mile 2 and 3. We were hoping that meant we would end flat, but that would have been way too easy. While we did have a decent stretch of very minor hills, we hit a big one at the end of mile 9 (it was at the corner of Columbus and Willey. Check it out and then explain to me how race officials thought that was a good route)! It was so big we stopped to walk as did every runner in front of us and behind us. It was kind of amusing and we were glad to know we weren't the only ones. We covered some bridges at the end, which meant more up hill and thats when the pain really kicked in. We were all feeling it and spent some time walking. It was enough of a break to recharge us and we were all able to run across the finish line--I think. We lost part of our group for most of the race!
It was actually one of my worst runs and at least in this moment, I'm swearing off all warm weather races from now on. However, I got to run with Corrie for her first half marathon, I met a new friend/running buddy, I reminisced with an old running buddy, I deepened friendships and because of all that, we are already looking forward to a fall race and (finally) a Chicago marathon next year--assuming we can get in before it closes out in record time again!