We had a hot 4th of July. We started the day at the parade. After a very hot walk down, we actually found a good spot to check things out. The babies and I were in the shade, but Jon and the boys were in the sun. Even with candy being thrown at their feet, they were covered in sweat and ready to leave after an hour.

Zach just wasn't interested.
Ben wanted to hold Zach and told me I could take his picture if I wanted to!
They spent the afternoon cooling down in the sprinklers and drinking lemon aid. After a cook out, we kept with tradition and headed to the Calaways for fireworks. The kids played with sparklers and worked up another sweat while the adults had some goodies and tried to keep the babies happy while we waited for the show. We counted down till 9:45--show time. A firework shot up into the sky then another then.....nothing. A couple random ones went off and more nothing. A friend was getting random texts from her sister who was at the park and actually got hit and burned from a piece of fireworks. They were having technical difficulties and were working on it. After working on it for over an hour, crowds were heading home and we decided that was a good idea. Surprisingly, the boys weren't that disappointed. They had fun with their friends and the sparklers and aunt Corrie made sure they saw fireworks one way or another:
She pulled up last years show on her phone. It started with Sam and ended with a few replays for all the kids, while she held the phone up in the air to get the full effect. Thats why we love her so much!

The babies lasted longer than Sam!
We found out later that a wire malfunctioned and prevented the fireworks from going off. They were going to attempt the show tonight, but they had some weather and safety concerns so they decided to cancel the show all together. Zach will just have to wait another year for his first real 4th.