We were going to spend another day or two in North Carolina or at least spread out the drive home over 2 days, but I had my dates wrong and realized Sam started his first day of preschool on September 10th. We wanted him to have the 1st day experience so we drove like crazy people to get him home. We decided to let Sam go to preschool for a few reasons. First, Ben got to go and Sam was always sad that he didn't get to stay and play with Ben. Second, Sam rejects all things learning related so I'm hoping this will spark some sort of interest. Third, with Ben starting first grade and school taking up more of my time and Ben doing soccer and possibly cub scouts, we wanted Sam to have something for himself.
I stayed with him the first day and he had a blast. He was shy for a few minutes, but had a great time exploring all the new toys, reading books and singing songs. He didn't realize that we weren't going to stay with him every day so when Jon dropped him off on Tuesday, he took a few minutes to adjust. He ended up having a great day. He only goes 2 days a week, but so far he's come out every day with a huge smile on his face, cute crafts and a full report on all the games they play and songs they sing. I think he's going to have a great year!
As always, a huge thank you to aunt Corrie for hanging out with the babies during school and being there when we need you!