The boys had their yearly check ups today. Zachary shot up to 32lbs (88%). In 6 months he's gained 8lbs and gone up from the 25th percentile. He is 34" (38%). I'm shocked he gained so much in so little time, but when I think about his diet, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. The boy is picky. He basically lives on pizza and chicken nuggets (the nasty kind, not the home cooked half way healthy kind).
He's pretty normal overall.
We've been letting him get away with too much recently, mostly yelling and throwing things. The crack down has begun! We also need to rethink the sleeping situation...again. We moved his toddler bed out and put a real bed into the boys rooms. We also moved him by Ben and Sam is now on the opposite wall. He loves sleeping with Ben. We've been hoping moving them closer together would help with him always crawling into Bens bed. It has, but the real problem is he knows that an hour after he goes to bed, the boys will come to bed so he waits up for them and then he wants to play. Zach usually outlasts the boys and even us some nights. He usually falls asleep after 11pm. If we can't get this under control, we might need to move him somewhere else. I don't want to think about that just yet though.

Samuel is now 41lbs (56%) and 41" (18%). He can see and hear and only has one minor problem. In the past year, he's developed a stutter. He stutters on the end of the word, not the beginning. Instead of daddy, he'll say dadd- y- y- y. It doesn't bother him, but its not something that typically starts at age 4. It should have started much ealrier and be clearing up by now. She isn't worried, but said the longer we let it go, the harder it could be to correct. We'll talk to someone next week about having him evaluated.
The doctor also took a peek at Ellies ankle. She started walking on it this week, but is still limping. The doctor isn't completely convinced it isn't broken. Even though she's walking on it, something could be going on in there. She has until Monday and if her limp hasn't improved we need to take her back for more x rays. These last 5 months could be the most expensive ever!