Our little girl is 4 today. Its been a loud 4 years! Ellie is the most feisty girl I know. She is completely stubborn. She knows what she wants and she wont settle for anything less. She loves Ben more than she'll let on and she has a blast when Zach plays with her, especially when he plays babies with her. She'll never admit that though. She loves her stufties (stuffed animals) more than anything and thinks Minnie and Hello Kitty are the coolest. She hates having her hair combed, but loves to wear "pretty dresses" so she can spin. She is adventurous and fearless (unless you put a completely harmless puppy in front of her). She has discovered ballet on a favorite cartoon and loves to put on her Halloween costume and dance around the house. She keeps all of us on our toes and makes us fall in love with her more and more each day. We wouldn't be the same with out her!
Getting Ready
3 months ago