We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had dinner with my family and we finally got to meet my brothers girlfriend, Marie. She is going to be a great addition to the family someday!
We skipped the shopping yesterday, but ventured out today. We didn't go to the mall, just some miscellaneous stores. It was crowded, but not as bad as I thought it would be. We have about a third of our Christmas shopping done so far and ideas for most of the family. We had a lazy day inside yesterday. We were visited by gram, pap and Ty. It looks like pap would have liked a lazy day inside!My husband (aka my 3rd child) has reminded me today that we only have 26 days until Christmas! We put up our Christmas tree last night. I'm a little nervous about having it up for the next month. This will be Baileys first experience with a tree and Ben is much more mobile and curious than last year. They both have been testing their limits with it, but so far haven't done any major damage.
Getting Ready
1 month ago