When I was in high school, I always heard that those were the best times of your life. How sad would it be if life peeked at age 18? When I was in college, all of the sudden, that was supposed to be the best time of my life. School came and went. I didn't get a job in my major and I don't look back on those sorority parties and think that was the greatest. Life went on. I had a lot of great experiences, but I never thought that this was it---life wont get any better than this.
I still can't say life wont get any better than this, but I can finally sit back and know that I've got it pretty good.
-I have an amazing husband who has provided a great life for our family and loves me with all his heart and makes sure I know it.
-I have 2 beautiful, healthy children who I wouldn't trade for the world (even when I'm dealing with a screaming child at 3am who wont stop spitting up on me).
-I have a dog, who even though she drives me crazy, she will let Ben torment her, fall on her head, you name it and she just takes it and keeps coming back for more.
-I have a cat who just when you think she hates you for bringing in kids and a dog to her house, will cuddle up with you at night and helps keep you warm while purring.
-I have a church family that I love, that I know will always be there for me and that has changed my life in amazing ways.
-I have friends that encourage me, keep me sane and will be at my side in a minute if needed.
-I have a beautiful home, with heat (when we turn it on), food on the table, clothes on my back and all the little extras that we take for granted that some people will never experience.
-I have a nice car that I know my family is safe in and doesn't break down every time I turn around (knock on wood).
-I am able to stay at home with my babies and share in so many laughs, hugs, silliness etc that I'm so grateful for, but so sad that Jon misses.
-I have a "normal" extended family and in-laws. Not many people are that lucky.
-I have my health, a semi-functioning brain and a world of possibilities open to me for the future.
-I have God's love which, among many other things, gives me a sense of peace when thinking about Jon's job and all those little things that go wrong that used to be the end of the world!!!
It's so easy to get caught up in all the wants---a bigger bank account, a smaller dress size, a nicer car, expensive jewelry, better toys---but no one has it all and I wouldn't trade any of what I have for all of the things I could have.
I am so thankful for all that I have and know I'm very lucky! What are you thankful for? What are we all doing to help someone that doesn't have as much to be thankful for?
Getting Ready
2 months ago
1 comment:
Jenna, your post makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time! I am thankful that you are part of the family now (and that you consider us normal :-). I'm thankful we all live so close. And I'm thankful you took the time to write it all down.
See you tomorrow!
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