Last night Ben informed us that his name was no longer Ben. We know he loves Veggie Tales, but we had no idea how much until he informed us that his new name was Larry the Bob cucumber! Not just Larry, but Larry the Bob cucumber. You have to love the creativity.
Do they look guilty or what?
You might remember in the last post I mentioned Bens run in with a door and the huge mark it left on his cheek?? Well, it officially looks like we beat our kid. His bruise grew. It looks like we drew a line from his eye to the bruise. I have never seen a bruise spread like that, but of course if its going to, its going to happen on his face.
I haven't been able to capture the full effect of the bruise with the camera, but it looks terrible. The best part (ok, not the best part) guess who ran into a door again today?? Luckily, I haven't seen any bruises from the latest run in yet.
He is just too cute! We're still working on the walking. So far he still definitely prefers to crawl.
Yes, I know this picture is up side down, but no matter how I rotate the picture, this is how it comes up on the blog. Sam has finally figured out how to get up and down from Bens bed with out falling face first. They will both get up there and just giggle at each other. When they don't have a toy to fight over they are the best of friends!