We took Ellie to see an allergist today. Her reflux is not going away and the next step is to take her to a gastroenterologist who would most likely want to scope her. We were hoping that we would get lucky, find an allergy and avoid any more testing. Unfortunately (?) she came back completely normal. No allergies here. The allergist also recommended we not bother with any other last ditch efforts that will cost time and money. He thinks her best bet is a GI doctor also. So we'll hold out till October, pray that it resolves itself on its own, but prepare ourselves for some unpleasant testing.
Getting Ready
2 months ago
1 comment:
I hope it's nothing major. Layla had reflux with projectile spit-up for a year. I never left the house without a change of clothes for her, a change of clothes for me and 5 spit cloths. At one year, Layla magically stopped spitting up. We were informed that some babies need quite a bit more time for their digestive systems to mature (and in Ellie's case, too, formula is more difficult to digest. Her system may need more time to regulate itself). Hopefully it is one of those less complicated issues.
The other thing with allergy testing is that it doesn't show food intolerances. One can have a severe food intolerance without an allergy or histamine reaction. (To milk, wheat, peanuts... anything). That's what Layla had with peanuts.
I'm not sure which gastro your ped would refer to, but I would *not* recommend the same one we saw for Aelyn. She was not helpful, gave advice that could be very detrimental to a baby's health, and left us with no answers other than, "This is not normal. Let's try these (not approved for children) drugs to see if we can cover up the symptoms without actually knowing the cause." After more than $5000 in tests with her, we had enough. I know our previous ped and yours refer to many of the same doctors, so let me know if you want her name.
I hope you get everything figured out and that sweet baby girl finds some relief!
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