Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Clean bill of health

Benjamin had his 18month check up today. He is doing great. He is 33inches (75%) and 24lbs (almost the 50th %). The only minor concern is an ongoing one, his speech. The doctor actually isn't as concerned as she was at the last visit. At 18months, he should be able to consistently say 10 words and know their meaning . Ben can consistently say 7 words, but has about 20 words in his vocabulary. We are going to have him evaluated by Help Me Grow in the the next week or two. They come to the home and do assessments on all sorts of issues. They determine if there is a serious problem or if he's just progressing a bit more slowly than other kids. They will recommend a plan and follow up weekly to see how the child is progressing. The best part is, its all free! The doctor also thinks that once he is able to communicate better, we'll see a decrease in the tantrums. He's actually been doing a lot better with them. It just seems that they always come at the wrong times. Other than that, Ben is perfect!

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