Saturday, December 18, 2010


Each year, the Purdum women get together during the Christmas season to bake a crazy amount of cookies. Unfortunately, we weren't able to coordinate a date this year, so Corrie and I had a mini cookie day yesterday. We limited ourselves to chocolate chip and sugar cookies. Ben loved every part of it. He poured in all the ingredients, mixed the dough, rolled it out and made shapes. He also had the brilliant idea to put sprinkles on the chocolate chip cookies. After a while, the music pulled him away from the cookies and dancing took over. Sam took over sprinkle duty, although I think most of his sprinkles missed the cookies and landed on the tray (and in his mouth).
After the cooking, our entertainment went down for naps and Corrie and I got to work on frosting. I did the base coats, while Corrie used her expert crafty skills for decorating. They taste even better than they look!

Thanks for baking with us Corrie. We all had a great time.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

I had a great time! Thanks for having me :-) I love that we did almost identical posts down to the pictures. It was such a good afternoon!