Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Going crazy

Jon went back to work today. I've been on my own for 6hrs and I'm already past crazy! It didn't help that Ellie did not sleep well last night. She had a doctor appointment first thing this morning. I tried to get as much ready last night as I could, but their was still plenty to do this morning. Of course, every time I tried to take a shower or do something half way productive, she started screaming.
We finally got out the door, and we were on time. However, things went down hill real quick. I can never find a place to park at the doctors office and since its only 2 blocks away, I decided we should the middle of a blizzard. Have you ever tried pushing a double stroller through 4+ inches of snow??? Lets just say, I got quite a work out!
The appointment went really well. She is still 20inches (75%) and 6lbs 10oz (10-25%--not sure why their is a range on that one). She looks great and doesn't go back until March.
After the appointment, we walked to get a bagel and met my mom and her coworker there. I decided to leave the kids with them and go home to get the car. Thats when I realized I had no keys and they must be in the front door. Not only were they in the door, but it was wide open. Thank goodness we live in a safe neighborhood. We made it home and have dealt with whining, snack time, getting boots on and off, more whining, not listening, screaming, getting Ben to school, the car getting stuck in the driveway and so on. I'm so ready for Jon to come home, but of course, he has a 5pm meeting and will be home late tonight! I have plenty of friends with 3 or more kids. I don't know how they do it. I'm sure we'll get into a new routine soon enough and it will be like we've always had 3 kids, but that feels like a lifetime away today!
Some of her newborn clothes fit perfectly and some are still a bit too big!

Ben and Sam trying to help me out a bit by playing nice.


Prasti said...

oh man! i had to shovel the drive out so we could get to my appt. today. i'm so over winter! hope your day goes better tomorrow!

Corrie said...

Sorry to hear it was a crazy day! Hope tomorrow gets better!