Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Post partum

Zach is two weeks old today. Its been a rough two weeks, not awful, just not as smooth as I'd like. Zach and I both had follow up doctor appointments today. Here's where we're at:

Zach: He is back up to his birth weight, 8lbs 12oz (50%) and is 21.5in (80%). Even though he is only two weeks old, I think as he gets older he looks less and less like Sam. I'm excited to see who he'll end up looking like.
Zach has some nose issues. He goes back and forth between really stuffy and perfectly clear. At this point we don't know if its related to his high palate, but we got the numbers for a plastic surgeon and an ENT and have been advised to go talk to them and see what they think. In the mean time, we need to shoot lots of saline up his nose and try to keep him somewhat elevated when he sleeps. Issue 2 is his sleeping (and its not really even a big issue). If we put him in bed with us, he sleeps great. He'll go anywhere from 3-6hrs next to me. Even though I've got some great advice/reassurance/information from Prasti and Melissa about co-sleeping, I'm a worrier and it makes me nervous. Although, the way we sleep keeps his head slightly elevated so I think that will be the norm for a while! The final issue, which is also minor, is it looks like Zach has a blocked tear duct. The doctor said this is so common she is shocked none of our other kids had this problem. Twice a day we need to basically rub the side of his nose and pop open the duct. If it doesn't work we'll have to take him to have the duct poked open, which is also minor.

Me: My biggest issue is headaches. I basically have one all the time and it goes back and forth between worst headache ever and pretty tolerable. It got really bad on Saturday. Add in some nausea and vomiting and you end up with a really big hospital bill from an ER visit. After ruling out a blood clot with an MRI, I was told I have spinal headaches which could last a couple months and while medicine will help, it wont take it completely away. Awesome when you have 4 loud kids!! My doctor doesn't think its a spinal headache. She thinks its a-typical migraines. She gave me more medicine to try and said if this works, we will confirm the migraine diagnoses which means I will need to see a neurologist and possibly start maintenance medication because once you get one, you will get them all the time and they will get progressively worse. The triggers---lack of sleep and stress. Hello, I have a newborn and 3 other children. Lack of sleep and stress is a normal part of my daily life! My next issue is right sided incision pain. It comes on randomly. Mostly after being on my feet for a while or I could just be standing still. She said its the nerves regenerating and should only take up to three months to correct itself! My final issue is numbness in my back. I still have a small section that is constantly numb. This is a less common side effect of the spinal, but obviously, it happens. The cure---no cure. Its another one of those suck it up and deal with it issues. Oh, and it only takes 6 months to a year to go away!
I wouldn't trade these guys for anything, but I'm so glad I wont have to go through this with any more babies!

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