Monday, April 2, 2012

Single parents

Jon and I had eventful, but mostly separate weekends. It started Friday with my parents coming into town. They came over to see the kids and the boys were thrilled. We had lots of climbing on Papa and lots of games.
Saturday morning I left with Zach to pick up Corrie while Jon took the rest of the kids to the second annual Cross Point Easter egg hunt. It sounds like they had a great time even though Sam wanted nothing to do with the bunny and Ellie was only happy when Jon was holding her. After the hunt, they headed over to a friends house for lunch and lots of play time then home for naps and March Madness.
While they were playing, Corrie and I drove down to southern Ohio to visit mom and mamaw. Zach had never met mamaw and we were due for a visit. We enjoyed nature (only a little bit though. We are both clearly city girls), ate a lot of good food, watch a chick flick and laughed. Jon was nice enough to text me updates of the basketball games (go Kansas!) and informed me the worst part of being a single parent was he couldn't make a late night run to Taco Bell!
Jon was lucky enough to experience a Sunday morning in my shoes. Its one thing to get 3 kids out of the house, but its a whole different ballgame when you have to be somewhere at a certain time! I was informed that Sunday morning was the new worst part of being a single parent! They spent another lunch with friends so overall, I think he had it pretty easy.
Meanwhile, Corrie and I were enjoying more good food and an 8mile run on a trail that was neither 10miles or flat like we were promised! Even with the hills, we shaved 10min off last weeks time so it was a success.
Zach thoroughly enjoyed every second of being an only child. He talked non stop and didn't cry once! He was the best baby I could have asked for!
It was great to get away for a night and see family, but its always great to be home and not be a single parent anymore!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Three great.