Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Notice anything missing from this picture?    A bed maybe?
Its no secret that Ellie was not thrilled with having Zach around the first few months of his life.  She slowly warmed up to him and while they still have a love/hate relationship, its been more love....until recently.  Ellie has a bit of a violent side.  She used to pull Sams hair all the time, she has no problem hitting anyone, or pinching, kicking or anything else that we consider unacceptable behavior. Last week, she stepped up her game.  She bit Zach so hard he still has a bruise on his arm in the shape of her mouth. Yesterday was the last straw.  I heard a strange sound on the baby monitor.  Zach immediately started screaming.  I went in to find her hitting him over the head with a toy. That was his wake up call.
As of yesterday, the toddler bed was moved into the boys room and the train table was put in the baby room.  Since Ellies sleep schedule is closer to the boys, she is back in the toddler bed with them and Zach has the room all to himself.
Zach hasn't been thrilled with even the smallest changes so I was ready for some screams, but he did great. No crying, no running around the room, no nothing.  He laid down and went right to sleep for both nap and bed time.  Once Ellie was done exploring her new room, she wasn't thrilled, but I was expecting a much bigger fight.  I think this will be a good arrangement at least until Zach learns how to fight back!

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