We've had a good 24hrs. The public schools in our city started today so we had an ice cream party for all the kids on our street last night. This is Bens and Sams main group...all girls!
With the public schools starting and the eclipse, I thought today would be a good day for us to start school. We're easing into it so today was purely eclipse, planetary rotation and viewing safety.Of course we had to sneak in the traditional pictures:
Even though Zach is in kindergarten, he'll be doing mostly first grade work. The boy is smart and excited to learn.
If Ellie could do kindergarten work, she'd be all over that. She has no desire to do anything school related. If learning is involved, she walks away. She's going to be even more annoyed when she sees Zach doing her stuff, and lets be honest, doing it better and faster.
Sam wasn't thrilled to hear we're starting today. He complains a lot, but when he puts forth the slightest bit of effort, he does really well with every school task hes given.
Ben would much rather be on his lap top, but as long as he gets to stay up late and sleep in, he'll be happy.
Eclipse viewing with plates because I don't trust my kids!If you can't read the signs, Zach wants to be a chemist. Ellie wants to be a mom. Sam wants to be an astronaut and Ben wants to be a video game tester.
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