Thursday, April 23, 2009

March of Dimes

A couple weeks ago I heard Aaron and Prasti mention they were doing a March of Dimes walk this weekend. I've done Race for the Cure before and have thought about a leukemia and a few other walks, but have never got to them. I don't know if its laziness, my huge dislike of fundraising, remembering the personal reasons for wanting to do the walks...maybe all of the above. However, since I heard them mention March of Dimes, it seems like its been everywhere. All of the sudden its on the radio, billboards, commercials, casual conversation at the table next to us. Last week I read the story of Maddie Spohr which was on another blog I read. Every time I check back to their blog, I can't help but burst into tears. The fear of SIDS has reeked havoc on my mental well being for the past six months. I can't imagine what Heather and Mike Spohr are going through. I checked back on Prastis blog today and her post was about the walk. You have the option to donate or walk, and I think its about time I did something. Please check the link to the side if you are interested in donating or walking with us.

1 comment:

Prasti said...

i don't like asking for money either so i try not to make that aspect of it a big deal.

so does that mean we'll be seeing you sunday morning? :)