Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cookies everywhere

Monday was cookie day. Its a Purdum women tradition to get together one day in December and bake cookies all day long. It was a slow start for the boys and I. They are both battling a runny nose and were a bit cranky when they woke up. Once we got to Prastis and they saw everyone, things got a lot better. We toned down cookie day this year. We only made 3 different kinds, but focused on sugar cookies since that is a majority favorite. Ben wanted to help cook and was extra excited to see an airplane cookie cutter.
Sam spent the day looking cute:
The beginning of the frosting process:
Too many cookies!
Drum practice during our lunch break:
We left at nap time, but I think we were off to a great start:

1 comment:

Prasti said...

did you get the memo? we've decided to bag cookie day next year and go out for purdum girl time instead :). wohooo!