Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dads night

Last night, Bens school hosted a dads night. It was a chance for all the dads to come in for a craft, some games and surprises. It sounded like they had a good time. Ben is always excited to have one on one time, especially with dad. If you are on Facebook, you saw Bens clever response to his teachers question of what is dads favorite place to go? His answer: To work. He has to make some money so we can live and eat. Of course, I forgot to have Jon take the camera, but we remembered to take an "after" picture.

Bed time is still a challenge around here. Ben is a pro. He gets in bed, stays in bed and would go to sleep, if Sam would let him. Sam gets up and walks around, checks out the toys and drives Ben absolutely crazy. For some reason, Ben can't go to sleep until Sam is in bed. Sam wont get in bed if Ben is awake and willing to talk (yell) at him. As you can imagine, we've been getting very little sleep recently. However, Sam has been all about getting one of us to sing him songs before bed time. Ben has been using this to bribe Sam to stay in bed. After a long conversation about how Sam had to get in bed and close his eyes, Ben rewarded him with a song we recorded off the monitor so their is no video, just sound.

Of course not even 30 seconds later, Sam was up and walking around again and Ben was screaming at him to lay down.


Melissa said...

Sweetest non-video ever.

Mom said...

OMG!!! HOW CUTE. I've played this so many times and so loud that my entire office is singing, "I want to wish you a MARE-WE Chrismus...." Love it!!!