Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is Jons birthday. We took advantage of Ben not having school today and we headed up to the mall for some play time and lunch with dad. Ellie slept through the entire morning:
After Jon got off work, we headed out to one of his favorites for dinner, Red Lobster. He got a gift card for Christmas and its been burning a hole in his pocket! The food was amazing and we ate too much. We realized it was our first time at a sit down restaurant as a family of 5, and our first time out in a long while together.
After dinner we headed home for goodies. Jon requested chocolate chip cookies for his birthday, but Ben couldn't comprehend a birthday without a cake (or cupcakes) so we did both. We had singing, candles, presents and silliness.
Happy birthday baby. I hope you had a great day. We love you!


Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Jon!
(and Um, when did am start looking like such a big kid??)

Prasti said...

happy birthday! aaron called and left a message...on his actual birthday. ha!