Sunday, October 7, 2012

One more time

Corrie and I ran the Towpath half marathon this morning. I think we finally redeemed ourselves from the Cleveland half! We were out the door by 6am (we got to sleep in for this one!).  It was crazy cold, but it was perfect for running. The downside was that the towpath is a lot like the metro parks, just smaller.  So we had no spectators for about 12 of the 13 miles.  Also, the course turned around on itself so when runners started passing each other, things got tight. We started strong (minus a bathroom break at .4 into the run).  I managed to drop a glass lid on my foot Saturday night so I had some foot pain for the majority of the run, but we managed to keep the normal aches and pains away until about mile 10.  We slowed down at mile 11, but still managed to make our goal.  Jon and the babies met us at the finish line.  It was great to finally have some cheers. I'm so glad we met our goal and I'm so glad its over! We've been training for long runs since January and I'm ready to get my speed back up with some short runs and meet my goal of a 5k in under 30min in December.
Staying warm in the car before the race:
Almost there:
They had a long morning:

Thank you to Reid and Stacey for letting the boys tag along with you guys today!

1 comment:

Corrie said...

Thanks for a great day and an awesome run. Proud of us! and so happy to have run it together.