Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Ben has finally finished 2nd grade and will be moving on to third grade in the fall.  He finished most of his work 2 weeks ago, but we had some math left over that I wanted to finish up.  He's done a little bit each day and finished it today.  He still has to do his weekly presentations through the summer so he's not completely free.  He also has the option to do book reports to earn money toward his new Kindle.  
Did I forget to mention that?  A couple weeks ago Ben put his Kindle on the ground in the garage while he was out playing.  Jon came home and ran over the Kindle with the car.  It was ruined.  Jon was able to order a replacement for $100.  Seeing as we got the Kindle for free, I don't think its a terrible deal.  We've given Ben a list of jobs he can do around the house and have attached dollar amounts to them.  He can do them or not, but he wont get the new Kindle until he's "paid back" $100.  At the rate he's going, he'll have it for Christmas!
 Sam, Ellie and Zach are very excited for their big brother!


Corrie said...

Great job Ben! I'm so proud of you!

Scott Purdum said...

What a smart young man you are Benjamin!!

