Thursday, February 18, 2010

Frequent flyers

We have become regulars at Chick Fil A (some more than others---Debbie). Its nice to get out of the house and go to a clean restaurant that plays Christian music. The boys have a blast playing and the adults can carry on a conversation. We headed up there today. Here are some of the highlights:
Ben is not a fan of the cow.
How many pictures does it take to get three boys to look at the camera and smile? Couldn't tell you. We gave up!
We had a great time as always, but today it was a little more special. As we were leaving, Tate told the boys he loves them. What a sweetie!


Melissa said...

Sometimes I miss having a car...

Debbie said...

k...what is kasen doing in this pic?? haha.... and why you callin' names, yo?! ;)