Thursday, May 27, 2010

NOT happy

Sam needed a hair cut almost from day 1. I've cut his hair several times over the last 19months, but Sam hates to have his hair cut so its never turned out well. Since Ben was in need of a hair cut, I decided it was time to go to a professional and get Sams chopped off. Ben went first. Sam watched closely the entire time. He seemed pretty calm so I was hoping when it was his turn, he wouldn't mind too much. Wrong! As soon as we put him in the chair he started screaming. He fought getting strapped in, he wouldn't let her put the cape on and he tried to push her away every time she got near him. A sucker and some bubbles calmed him down for about a minute, but by the end, I was holding his hands down and his head still. If you couldn't see him, you would have thought we were beating him --the screams were awful. We could have gone a bit shorter, but he had enough. I have no idea if its even or not. Even after I took them to Chick Fil A for some play time, he was still feisty and wouldn't let me get too close to his head. Lets hope he doesn't need too much therapy after all that trauma!
Playing with friends

Still not happy!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Poor little guy!