Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its a circus

This week Catans is having a kids craft "camp." For two hours each day, kids get together to make a craft and share a snack. The theme is the circus. Prasti and I struck a deal where I would take the big kids and she would watch the little kids. On Monday the kids made a box and a flower hat. Ben wasn't too sure about all those flowers, but they've grown on him. We skipped Tuesday and today they made car magnets and a clown doll---thing. You'll have to check the picture. I don't know what they are called! Today was a bit tougher for the kids. A lot of the steps were slightly advanced for a 3 and 4 year old (the camp is actually for 5 and up, but they accepted younger kids if a parent stayed with them). They needed a lot of help and we all know I'm not the craftiest person, so I was a bit exhausted trying to keep up! The kids seemed to have a good time though. Ben and Emma loved being with each other and since I rarely get to spend quality time with Emma, it was really nice to hang out with her and listen to the kids interact.
I love Emmas "cheese face" in this one.


Melissa said...

Yeah, I wouldn't know what to call that clown doll thing either. Sounds like fun though.

Prasti said...

i would call it the i'll poke your eye out clown doll. that dowel rod can be hazardous ;). thanks for taking emma. just think of it as continuing education for building your crafty skills and knowledge :).