Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Less drama please

We took Zach to the doctors today for his four month check up. He is 14.8lbs (just under the 50th percentile) and 25.5inches (75th percentile). Overall he is fine, but we have 2 issues we need to work through.
The first is his tear duct. It still hasn't popped open and he has a build up of yellow junk inside. When we push on the side of his nose it oozes out. We have to put drops in his eye to help clear some of it out. He has until his 9month appointment to get it popped open. They say if it isn't open by then, it wont open on its own. She also said with the amount of blockage she is seeing, she will be surprised if it opens on its own. That means he would have to go to an eye doctor to have it popped open. Everything I'm finding about the procedure says he would have to be put under general anesthesia. That is the last thing I want so we're really going to to be working on that duct.
The second issue is his neck. While it has got a bit better, he definitely still favors one side. She wanted us to start physical therapy with him now, but after talking, she agreed to wait until his 6 month appointment to reevaluate him. The concern is if he is consistently looking at the world with his head tilted, it will actually cause his vision to adjust to the tilt. I asked her if the tilt would adjust back once his neck straightened out. She implied it wouldn't, but didn't give a yes or no. So we have to get him on the floor much more often that he is now and we have to take the neck stretches up a notch (more like 5 notches).

We also asked the doctor to check Ellies ears. She had a double ear infection last month. Then the flu went through the entire family then Ellie got sick again Saturday night. She woke up Sunday with a fever of 101.8. She is slowly getting better, but just isn't herself. Sure enough, she has another ear infection. We're headed back to the pharmacy for more antibiotics. Thank goodness everyone else is relatively healthy because these babies are wearing me out!
I wake up to this every day. Doesn't get much better than that!
Oh, and notice the leg kicked out from under the blanket---he is so my kid!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Poor babes and Mama. Layla had a super goopy blocked tear duct that we didn't think would open. Our eye doctor recommended holding off on the procedure, and sure enough, by 18 months it was perfectly normal. I hope it clears up for him soon.