Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We celebrated an important event last Friday. Jon had a birthday. He got to celebrate his big day by leaving work early to come home and take care of a sick wife and dealing with 4 kids on his own. We (he) did have a nice dinner of crab legs and some cup cakes made by Gram. He got a couple fun presents, including a home made card complete with a bad joke by Ben. I think the best present was a sick Sam at 4am. After 2 pj and bed changes, Jon was treated to a sleepless morning on the couch with Sam while holding his bucket. We followed that up with a sick Ellie just before lunch on Saturday and then the birthday boy himself got the bug very early Monday morning. At least we got to enjoy a fantastic Superbowl game (I'll try not to rub in the Giants winning too much mom) in the middle of all the craziness. Happy birthday baby.
We love you and are sorry for the unwanted gifts!

1 comment:

Mom said...

The giants did not "win," the patriots just ran out of time...