Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Check up

Ellie had her 18month check up today and Zach had his 9month check up. Most of it was uneventful.
Zach is 18.2lbs (10th%) and 28" (25th%). Overall he is perfect. His tear duct is still blocked, but since its not life threatening, we are going to hold off a little longer before we take him to an eye doctor. At this point, she doesn't feel it will open on its own. She is happy with his neck so we don't need to worry about physical therapy. We (I) need to work on actually putting him down once and a while and letting him work on his core muscles. He can sit up, but probably not as well as he should by now. We also got a reality check about his sleeping habits. Zach wakes up every 2hrs. Every 2 hours, every night except for the nights he wakes up every hour. He doesn't always eat every 2hrs, but he cries. If I put my hand on him he will grab it, roll over and fall asleep. Right now, he should be sleeping pretty much through the night. The doctor feels that part of it is probably because he's being cuddled so much during the day. He wakes up, no one is holding him or smiling at him and he cries. I wont make him go cold turkey, but he's in for a rude awakening tonight!

Ellie is 19.4lbs which is no longer on the chart since she has actually lost .3lbs since her last appointment. She is 30.5" (5th %). Obviously her weight is something to pay attention to, but she's on the move a lot more these days so a small drop isn't something we're going to panic over. She is right where she needs to be in every area except her speech. At 18months she should be saying 10 words. Ellie says 4. Since we really don't know the full story of her birth parents and the pregnancy, the doctor has recommended we call Help Me Grow for a speech evaluation just to be on the safe side. She understands and follows commands, but she can't tell us what she needs and it is driving her (and us) crazy. She is already having tantrums. The doctor told us the longer this goes on and the more frustrated she gets, the more behavioral problems we could be facing. I worried with Ben and he wont stop talking. I'm trying not to worry with Ellie especially since she just learned to say 'up' this weekend. We'll get an appointment with Help Me Grow and I'm hoping by the time that appointment comes around, it wont be needed any more!

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