Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I finally gave in and joined Pinterest not too long ago. One more site to spend way too much time on when I could be doing something productive! I've gathered a few craft ideas for the kids and we tried one out last week. We made some prayer sticks. The kids painted popsicle sticks then I wrote the names of our family and friends on them. Each night after the boys say prayers, they each pick out a stick and say an extra prayer for who ever is on the stick. They are good about praying for who ever has a tummy ache or who we might have just spent the day with, but I love that they are praying for (remembering) people they might not see for months at a time or people they might not know as well, like their doctor or people at church that don't have kids. They've been very excited to pick out a stick each night and I'm very excited to hear them growing.

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