Wednesday, September 24, 2008

36 down, 3 to go

Well, we are at week 36. We had another doctor appointment today and are still measuring at 35cm. The doctor thinks he's evening out a bit. She is amending her original prediction of mammoth to around 7 1/2lbs. However, she did say she is really bad at guessing baby weights. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

Ben has acknowledged the baby a little bit more the past few days. He got to feel the baby hiccup, although I don't know that he understood what was happening. We've had a lot of belly pokes and "hi baby." He's been extra silly and extra playful recently too. I cant wait to see him interact with Spud.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

That's not long at all!! Woo-hoo!