Wednesday, April 28, 2010

18 months

Sam had his 18month check up yesterday. He is right on track. He has the vocabulary an 18month old should have. He walks, scribbles, follows commands and kicks like a pro. He is 25lbs and 32". Both are just under the 50th percentile. He made it through with out any shots and doesn't have to go back until he is 2 years. That sounds so far away. I still can't believe thats in 6 short months. Time definitely go faster with each kid!
Yes, thats my boy pulling Tupperware out of the pantry so he can sit in it!

Now that Sam can pull himself up on the chairs in the living room, he loves getting up there with Ben and giving me heart attacks when he "pretends" to fall over the edge!

Resting with daddy.

My dancing machines!

Last night the boys hung out with my parents while Jon and I headed to dinner with some friends. We've had dates here and there, but this was the first time we've been out with other couples with out the kids in ages. It was great! We headed to Happy Dog. Its a small restaurant/bar that serves hot dogs. These aren't ordinary hot dogs though. They have 50 different topping selections from potato chips and bacon to fruit loops and peanut butter! It was odd, but really good. We couldn't resist capturing the moment:


Prasti said...

you must have met up w/ dru and kim :). we love happy dog (and you can take your kids too)! nice to see PBRs being represented ;p.

Mom said...

Re: Sammy sitting in the tupperware...consider it early potty training!!