Saturday, April 17, 2010

What they can do

I haven't put many progress reports up recently about the boys so here you go.

Ben is still working on his potty training. We finally changed strategies and just put him in big boy underwear. We ask him if he has to go potty about every 30minutes. Each time he says no--literally every time. We tell him to go anyway and he has gone every time. He has had a couple accidents and he could still care less if hes wet or worse. He just keeps on playing. He is a weird kid. He gets that from Jon!

Sams walking has improved dramatically recently. He still likes to crawl, but he finally does more walking than crawling. Most of the time he tucks his fists under his chin and waddles a bit, but every now and then we get a real walk. He can also give kisses--real kisses. He puckers up and even makes the mwaw sound. He is also a pro at high five and giving knuckles. His talking has slowed down a bit, but he is still surprising us with new words like choo choo, ball, Bob, car, shoe, truck, cup, boom and bye bye. Every morning and after nap time, I ask him if he has a poo poo or a pee pee and he has given the correct answer each time. Finally, he is working on his animals. He has learned to woof like a dog, he howls like a wolf and has mastered Tarzans yell while pounding on his chest.

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