Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last time

Jon has worked by the airport for several years and we have enjoyed being able to go up there and have lunch with him when ever the weather was warm enough. At the end of the month, Jons group is moving back to their old office away from the airport. We went up for one last lunch today since the rest of the week will be colder and Jon is on vacation next week. We still plan on going up for picnics on the weekends, but it just wont be the same. Fortunately, the new office is by the Metro Parks so we'll still be able to have picnics and when its too cold for them, we'll have more restaurant options. I'm just glad that Jon is able to take lunches with his family. Here are the boys enjoying their last weekday picnic by the airport---they don't know that yet though.
Sam calls helicopters ca ca's and hasn't quite mastered the difference between a helicopter and an airplane. Any time he sees a plane he points and screams ca ca!
Taking a break to enjoy the scenery.
Ben being Ben!

1 comment:

Prasti said...

ooo vacation! are you guys going anywhere?