Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pregnancy brain strikes again

I used to think "pregnancy brain" was just an excuse to ignore your spouse or be lazy. However, I've learned that it is very real and very much affecting our household! I don't remember feeling like this with Ben. With Spud, I think I'm losing my mind! I feel like a complete idiot most days. I'm forgetting basic things I do every day at work. I lose my train of thought for no reason. I go to the store for one thing and when I get there, I have no idea what it is. Jon will ask me to do something and less than 10seconds later, I have no idea what we were just talking about! It struck again last night. I found out about a hayride in Strongsville. We got Aaron and Prasti and all the kids together and drove out to Strongsville to check it out. When we got there, about 10 cars were in the parking lot and none of the trucks were filled with hay. I was positive last night was one of the dates for the rides. Turns out it doesn't start until next week. We ended up at Malleys so it was still a great night. After we got home I checked the article, and it clearly states it opens in October! My apologies to the family for driving out to Strongsville for nothing. I fully expect to have a functioning brain back in 17days, but until then, feel free to question every word that comes out of my mouth, nag me about everything, make me write things down and please don't take it personally when I have no idea what you're talking about (even if we just discussed it 5 minutes ago)!!


Prasti said...

malley's makes everything better :)

Prasti said...

howdy! you've been tagged for some bloggy fun! come visit me here for more details :)