Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

For the first time since Jon and I have been together, we stayed home for a major holiday and enjoyed some quiet family time. Jon got up early to start preparing a feast for us. Cleanliness is next to godliness:
When we got the boys up we asked Ben what he was thankful for today. He gave us a long list that started like this:
"I'm thankful for my house, my doorbell, my umbrella, my buttons, my kitchen, my animals, my bed, my stove, my fridge, my soap, my kitchen, my hot and cold, my kitchen, mama, dada, Sam, Bailey, Katie, my buttons, my kitchen...." We have a very thankful boy, especially when it comes to his kitchen.
We spent the morning relaxing. We watched the parade, played hard and checked out all the black Friday adds even though we have no intention of going shopping tomorrow.
When the turkey was done, the house smelled great. Jon did an amazing job on the food.
Gram and pap stopped over in time to sample some turkey and have some play time with the boys before heading over to Aaron and Prastis house for their dinner.
We all ate so much even the animals were too tired to chase each other.
We all have so much to be thankful for. I'm most thankful for such amazing boys and being able to spend a great day together!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving day! We're looking forward to going small next year too!