Friday, April 2, 2010


With all the warm weather we just couldn't stay inside this week. We headed to the park on Wednesday with some friends. Sam loved going down the slide especially when his buddy Paisley went with him.
Ben has been all about giving thumbs up recently. What a pro!
After dad came home, we headed out so Ben could practice his bike riding. He hasn't been on his bike since the fall so he was a bit rusty, but he's getting there.
Sam and I went for a walk and tried to keep up with Ben, but he was too fast for us.
Thursday we headed to the Nature Center for play group. Ben loves looking for Nemo and checking out all the animals outside.

The boys were so excited to "talk" to the turkey. They could have stood there for hours chatting if we would have let them.

We had our first picnic at Jons office this season. We got to see a lot of planes and have some quality dad time.
Sam found Bens sun glasses and wanted to see what was so great about them:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love Sam's scrunchy face smile!!