Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The deck

Jon built us a big beautiful deck last year. Since it was so late in the summer, we decided we would stain it this year. We procrastinated long enough so when Jon was on vacation last month, we bought some stain and went to work. We found a really nice color, started applying and when it was covered, we realized we stained our deck to match an oompa loompa! It was orange, not just a hint of orange or an orange tint, it was ORANGE! We found some stain remover and prayed. Luckily, it worked. While the wood was a bit darker, it wasn't orange anymore. We got a new stain and Jon stained the whole deck by himself this weekend. It turned out perfect.

Before: the picture does not do the orange justice. I should have interviewed some witnesses so you could get the full effect of just how bad it was!
After: Once again, not the greatest picture, but you can clearly see NO ORANGE!
Great job baby! We love it.

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